Writing Stories That Need Telling.

Frank Parker
7 min readNov 18, 2022

An interview with Rebecca Bryn

Ms Bryn’s latest fact based historical novel has just been placed on pre-order. In a recent exchange of emails we talked about writing historical fiction, snobbery and gardening. What follows is a lightly edited transcript.

FP: It’s almost 4 years since my last interview with you. That was a follow up to my first, which we did back in January of 2018. Since then you have published The Dandelion Clock, the Chainmakers trilogy, Revenge and, now, Give Us This Day. In addition there have been at least two books on painting. What motivates you to keep up such a phenomenal work rate?

RB: Gosh, how time flies. I suppose the Covid lockdown gave me the time to write, and add to that my hatred of all things domestic — I did pick up a duster the other day — writing has rather taken over my life. I do still paint, but nowhere near as much as I used to.

I love the research, and if I find a subject that interests me, especially if it’s a miscarriage of justice or social inequalities and struggles, then I get hooked. I feel we owe our present-day standard of living and freedoms, particularly for women, to the sacrifices made by our forebears, and a lot of people don’t know the history behind things like the minimum wage or the freedom to vote.

The more we understand



Frank Parker

Frank is a retired Engineer from England now living in Ireland. He is trying to learn and share the lessons of history.