Frank Parker
Apr 16, 2021

Maybe I've misunderstood your argument, allen, but you seem to be saying, on the one hand, that 'ratting' is fundamenatally wrong and, on the other, inciting inherent hatred is okay.

A couple of examples: (1) my neighbour is beating his wife/kids or selling drugs (or all three). You imply that it is morally repugnant for me to 'rat' on him by allerting the local constabulary. (2) my neighbour has expressed anti-semitic views (or complained about gypsies/muslims/homeless people). You seem to think I'm within my rights if I encourage him in those views and suggest ways in which he could demonstrate his hatred eg. by pushing turds through the letter boxes of Jews/gypsies/muslims etc.

Frank Parker

Frank is a retired Engineer from England now living in Ireland. He is trying to learn and share the lessons of history.