I still trust the BBC. But I take your point about Reuters. As for the past, I'm 83 and can't remember a time when British newspapers were not politically biased. The Daily Mirror (they dropped 'Daily' from their title many years ago) was always acknowledge to be a Labour supporting paper; The News Chronicle (long since renamed The Sun and given a right wing slant by Murdoch) used to Liberal. The Times and Telegraph pretended to be more moderate but have always had a Tory bias. As for the Mail and Express, always extreme right wing. Back before WWII the Mail gave support to Fascist ideals.
I wonder how Reuters can be impartial WRT Israel/Palestine since Israel does not permit independent reporters to enter Gaza.
I seem to recall that when I was in South Africa in the 1970s the Natal Mercury was Liberal leaning by comparison with the then government's policies.