Hi Anthony. We are in something of a ‘chicken and egg’ dilemma here. One in which you want to cull the chickens and I want us all to consume less eggs. I could produce a long list of the things we consume that we could well do without — as many of us did during the worst days of the Covid pandemic. But, if you want to shut down, or at least significantly reduce the outputs from, industry, it is equally incumbent upon you to indicate which industries and by how much. Do you want to reduce the output of the fashion industry, the cosmetics industry, brewing, household appliance manufacture, smart phones, TVs, computers and the whole gamut of IT? What about airlines, tourism and ‘hospitality’? I can make a case for reducing all of these but the impact would be a reduction in available products from these businesses for the public to consume. Perhaps we should curtail the advertising industry which is the great persuader that seeks to convince us of the need to consume more and more of these things.